Thursday, May 03, 2007


Almost done with the Swallowtail, well, kind of. I've reached the border of the shawl, and am on my 3rd row of "nupps".They are a k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, then on the next row you purl into each of those, making 5 stitches, then on the next row, you PURL 5 together, yuck. I wouldn't even want to try these on the Addi Turbos, thank goodness, my Inox circulars came in just in time, and they are working great. The surface of the needle is just the right amount of stickiness without being so sticky that the stitches don't slide easily. Plus, the tips are nice and pointy, so I can do those purl 5 togethers without too much trouble. In Robby news, check out these action shots, sorry about the blurriness, but it's hard to get Robby still these days unless he's sleeping.This is my favorite picture,even though it's blurry, you can tell he's smiling, excited about being able to almost crawl, and smiling at me because I'm cheering him on. When he's trying to crawl, he gets frustrated sometimes, but when we get down on the floor with him and cheer him on, he always tries harder, it's so great. Can you believe he's almost crawling? He just rocks back and forth now, and has mastered the art of scooting backwards, but hasn't developed the coordination it takes to crawl. It was only a few weeks ago he was rolling over...sniff... I'll blink and he'll be a pimply 16 year old asking for the keys to my car, gosh it goes by fast.


Anonymous said...

What amazing progress for both of you!

When we adopted my daughter, she was 8 months old but couldn't roll over. We caught her on film finally doing it (front to back) and with the whole family cheering her on, she would try and try and try and then do it and just be overjoyed. Once in a while she'd just put her head down and make a "phew" noise, but then she'd try again. It was a great moment. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Anonymous said...

Aahh, I remember that time - my daughter is 3 now. The shawl is looking great, must be nice to have it nearly done.


Elinor said...

Awwww, what a cutie! I love the blurriness! That is a kid on the move!!!

Jofrog said...

Robby is so crazy advanced! Rock on moving baby! ...and amazing progress on the shawl also. :-)

Keisha said...

Wow! Violet isn't close to crawling at all. She hates to be on her tummy, thus I don't make her do it much.

Anonymous said...

What a milestone for him! So darn cute. I think it was always harder on my kids to learn how to crawl vs. walk. My oldest could never get the hang of it quite right so she just gave up and walked instead at 8 months. Then the next was 9 months, then the next at 10 months and my last walked at 11 months - lazy kid (J/K!)

Anonymous said...

Awww, I love that picture too. He's such a happy baby; you're certainly doing something right :)

I can't believe how much you've done on the shawl-you are superwoman! I feel your pain with those p5tog's! I made a sweater a few years ago that had a gazillion bobbles and I HATED those p4tog's.

Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful shawl.
I can't believe Robby's already rolling over! He's growing fast. Can't wait to see all of you!

Anonymous said...

Go baby Robby, go! Don't even think past age 3, because he'll be running all over the place at that age. My 3yo niece has boundless energy, she's a little overwhelming.

Nupps! (Brave girl.)

- MJ

Anonymous said...

Bea, that shawl is incredible. You are so amazing.

Speaking of amazing. My little grandson is a genius. He's doing everything so early.

Hmmmmmmm, maybe he knows something we don't know. Maybe he has a direct line from Heaven telling him that he needs to hurry up and move it along because another baby is coming soon! :)

Anonymous said...

It was soooo good seeing you today. glad you had some time to relax.

Anonymous said...

Purl 5 together! That does not sound like a good time. I wish I could have seen you on Saturday!

NYCityMama said...

How exciting!! It's funny how the little things in life give us so much joy:~)
Enjoy him! And you shawl is beautiful!!