Saturday, April 28, 2007

Chugging along!

I won't talk about the million other projects I have lingering that really need to get done, like the entrelac baby blanket, and Robby's little jeans, and sweaters, not to mention that Treeline cardigan that I have yet to start on, because Swallowtail is my focus at the moment.Looks like third time was the charm!I've had a few scares, but since I understand the lace pattern now, I was able to fix mistakes without ripping out. It's not perfect, but the pursuit of perfection was abandoned a LONG time ago. I had one really scary incident involving thisguy getting tangled up in the yarn and dragging my knitting downstairs, thankfully no stitches were dropped in the process.

In Robby news, his Aunt Amanda has been watching him since Aunt Olivia has been sick. He loves his auntie, and he LOVES his cousin Lizzie. He is just fascinated with her. I think when he gets a little bigger they will be really good buddies, what do you guys think?Don't they look like they will be serious partners in crime here?She is such a doll and calls herself "big sister" :) Check out the super long drool string! That big smile is for Aunt Amanda, which shows how much he has taken to her! His separation anxiety is starting to ease up, I also was told that he put himself to sleep and napped for an hour, hmmmm, must be a different baby. The cut on his face is from this week, I left him in his cosleeper for a minute, and he grabbed his Snappi and hooked his face! I felt SO bad, but it's healing up nicely thanks to help from Aunt Kacey, NICU nurse extraordinaire and owner of Baxter, the above mentioned doggie. I have some photograhic evidence of some hijinks Baxter and his brother Bentley carried out on Robear and the blanket I knitted, but that's for a different post.


Anonymous said...

Poor Robby! It must have been scary, although I bet not as scary for him as for you when you found out. He seems such a happy baby… no wonder all the girls like him. :)

Anonymous said...

The shawl is looking fantastic!

Robby and his cousin look like they are cooking up something :) So cute.

Faith said...

Ooh, this is great! I'm only a few pattern repeats but this makes me want to knit faster.

Jofrog said...

Yeah for the shawl, and ooof, those Snappis are nasty! My husband cut himself on one too. Good thing is babies heal amazingly fast.

Keisha said...

Oh! The kiddos look so cute together!

Anonymous said...

Oh Bea, it's beautiful!!!

Keisha said...

Allen will be happy that you think she looked like him in that picture. People rarely say she looks like him so he gets excited when they do.


Anonymous said...

Swallowtail is looking so pretty!

Poor Robby - looks like he's just fine though - so cute! He'll be a lady killer for sure.

Jolo said...

heck yes! super long drool. and the shawl! beautiful. i was in the shop the other day and figured that a skein of that australian wool/mohair could make it too. good luck with following through and finishing it!

Anonymous said...

Swallowtail is looking beautiful!
Poor Robby, he looks okay though and I'm sure he'll heal quickly! One of my daughters got snagged on her tummy with a snappi once, I felt awful about, but she healed quickly. Now I try to be extra careful with them.

Kristy said...

I found the Addi Lace needles. Well, at least one link. You can get them lost of places, I hear.

Anonymous said...

Amazing shawl! Beautiful kids.
